Question: According to many opinions, Revelation is based on History!


According to my reading, the total slaughter in Revelation is approx. 2/3rds; see link below.

Regarding the “horrific” texts; they and worse have happened in the last few 100 years, and recently!

The dismissive opinion that “all Revelation is History”, is hard to justify, as so much is yet to happen, and is ignored by many “Scriptural Writers”.  As per Dan.12:4, and Rev. 10:4; the 7 Thunders comments are sealed, which means they will not be known until after the events of Rev. 9:13, “the release of the 4 Angels” and the Euphrates hordes, will not IMO be apparent until near the time!  However, they are a firm determinant, and time stamp, and allow relatively good chronological calculation thereafter.

The events after the Rev. 10:4 release, IMO can then be apparent to all humans that are alert!

The best (and IMO) most neglected signpost to Revelation timing, is the Nation of Israel; and our Lord’s Words in Matt. 24, as to events just prior!


See: Population Reduction    (Study) 

Population Reduction in The Great Tribulation: Rev. Chp.  6:8  



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